May 2022

Extra Judicial Killings and Rule of Law – A Critical Analysis

An encounter is a spontaneous meeting, which is not planned. In a different word we can say a belligerent meeting. There is a sudden often clash between the two parties. In the late 20th century India and Pakistan describe encounter as putative extrajudicial killing by the police or the armed forces, supposedly in self-defence, when […]

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A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Norms In India And The United Kingdom

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the approach or policy adopted by organisations in order to achieve sustainable development by providing social, environmental, and technical support to members of society. The ‘United Nations Industrial Development Organization’ has defined CSR as a concept of management where the companies combine their social and environmental concerns in their business

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Risk Prevention And Control And Construction Path Of Criminal Compliance Of Construction Engineering Corporates

The corporate compliance system, an internal control mechanism to prevent, detect and stop illegal and criminal offences within a corporate, can serve to effectively solve potential criminal compliance risks in construction projects. The construction projects are characterized by their long-term, continuous and concealed nature. In addition, the system design of construction projects is limited by

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