From Tragedy to Transformation: The Role of CSR and the Rana Plaza Collapse in Rebuilding Bangladesh’s Garment Industry

Publication Information

Journal Title: Asian Law & Public Policy Review
Author(s): Amisha Mittal & Shubhi Agrawal
Published On: 25/07/2023
Volume: 8
First Page: 71
Last Page: 86
ISSN: 2581-6551
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Amisha Mittal & Shubhi Agrawal, From Tragedy to Transformation: The Role of CSR and the Rana Plaza Collapse in Rebuilding Bangladesh’s Garment Industry , Volume 8, Asian Law & Public Policy Review, 71-86, Published on 25/07/2023, Available at


Globalisation and its tropes, privatization, deregulation, and liberalisation have led to the proliferation of transnational corporations. Further, as one of the main drivers of the globalisation, the corporate activities of Trans- National Corporations (TNC’s) have relevance economically, socially, and environmentally. It is pertinent to consider that many TNC’s operations take place in the least developed countries of the Global South, and it is here where the notorious human rights abuse often occurs and are harder to regulate.

The Rana Plaza Collapse was one of the most devastating incidents in Bangladesh that claimed the lives of more than 1,100 people and injured thousands. The incident exposed the harsh reality of the working conditions in the garment industry in Bangladesh and brought international attention to the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the country. In the aftermath of the disaster, CSR has become more important than ever before in Bangladesh. This research paper explores the continuing importance of CSR in Bangladesh following the Rana Plaza Collapse and examines the ways in which companies can implement effective CSR strategies to improve working conditions and promote sustainable development in the country.

Keywords: Globalization, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Rana Plaza Collapse, Garment Industry, Bangladesh, Working conditions.

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