
Recourse of an Arbitral Award in Bangladesh: Dissection Under The UNCITRAL, Foreign Laws and Precedents

It is irrefutable that the arbitration process is controlled by arbitration seat law. Therefore, in the case of international commercial arbitration having the arbitration place in Bangladesh, and in the case of domestic arbitration that means where both parties are Bangladeshi, sections 42 and 43 of the Chapter VIII Arbitration Act 2001 lays down the […]

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Problematisation of Sex-Selective Conception and Abortion in India: Implications and Legal Responses

Discriminatory practices against women have been a common problem in Indian society since many decades. This is attributed to the rudimentary factor of a patriarchal dogma that is deeply rooted in our society. Women were mostly treated as a liability on the family and hence, treated sans dignified existence. Consequentially, inhuman social evils like female

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Rise Of Cybercrimes And Mass Surveillance As A Threat To Civilization: An Analysis

The introduction of the internet, people have come up with ways to pervade it. As the information and communication sector develops, the cybercriminals are also developing ways of keeping pace with the new security measures. Since the internet is soon becoming one of the many necessities a person can’t stay without the criminals advancing the

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Copyright: A Study on Legislative Measures Relating to it in India

Enrichment of culture is of vital interest to each and every society. The copyright law helps in fulfilling this social interest. Copyright helps the composers, authors, designers, artists to protect their works. Copyright Law always tries to prevent plagiarism. Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects the original works of the authors.  The authors

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Extra Judicial Killings and Rule of Law – A Critical Analysis

An encounter is a spontaneous meeting, which is not planned. In a different word we can say a belligerent meeting. There is a sudden often clash between the two parties. In the late 20th century India and Pakistan describe encounter as putative extrajudicial killing by the police or the armed forces, supposedly in self-defence, when

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A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Norms In India And The United Kingdom

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the approach or policy adopted by organisations in order to achieve sustainable development by providing social, environmental, and technical support to members of society. The ‘United Nations Industrial Development Organization’ has defined CSR as a concept of management where the companies combine their social and environmental concerns in their business

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Risk Prevention And Control And Construction Path Of Criminal Compliance Of Construction Engineering Corporates

The corporate compliance system, an internal control mechanism to prevent, detect and stop illegal and criminal offences within a corporate, can serve to effectively solve potential criminal compliance risks in construction projects. The construction projects are characterized by their long-term, continuous and concealed nature. In addition, the system design of construction projects is limited by

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Legal Challenges and Prospects in the Implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Policy in Nigeria

Public Private Partnership (PPP) as a procurement option in Nigeria’s quest for the reduction of deficit in its public infrastructure stock has not been wholly successful. In this respect, the paper looks at the challenges of PPP implementation as well as the prospects that in spite of these challenges, the PPP model remains a realistic

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